Classic Gin – 700ml
Classic Dry Gin
Handcrafted in Hertfordshire using local spring water and our very own triple-filtered, pure wheat grain spirit. This traditional small-batch craft gin is infused with a secret blend of botanicals and juniper berries to create an incredibly smooth gin. Awarded a Great Taste Award in 2019.
- Hertfordshire Dry Gin
- Great Taste Award 2019
- Triple filtered premium quality
- 37.5% alcohol
- 700 ml
Enjoy with a premium tonic and plenty of ice.
Available as a Gift Box Set
Whatever the occasion, Old Vodka Gift Box Sets make for a memorable gift that is sure to make them smile.
These make great gifts for that special someone. Wrapped in a nice gift box they are also perfect for your employees and clients.
Simply choose from our amazing different vodka flavours, including Original, Caramel, Coffee, Pink Marmalade, Passion Fruit, Lemon, Tarragon, Honey, Rhubarb, Elderflower, Peach, Strawberry, Sloe & Chilli.
The choice is yours!
Serving Suggestion
Sloe Gin Fizz
Shot of New Gin
Shot of Sloe Vodka
Mixed with tonic water
Served over ice with
fresh orange